Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fall is great but busy

I've been slacking on my blogging. I am usually pretty good about keeping up. Now that I am a parent, Fall is nutty, especially b/c daycare is not part of the routine anymore. My son is in a real school now. It's only PreK, but the school goes up to 8th grade. But he loves it. And I love it. He is learning by leaps and bound and he is so much more verbal than he was just 3 months ago. That's one reason why the fall is hectic.

I work at a college, so of course Fall is major. Everyone's coming back. New students are coming in. People are acclimating and re-acclimating and several weekend events that require my presence. Oh yeah, and I have a new boss. Change is good and challenging at the same time. So that's number two.

Problem number 3 is the 3 year old with a social calendar. Birthday parties, swim classes, apple picking, homework, ay ya yai! I love that stuff, because I'm equally social. I love that stuff, because it gives me more photo opportunities to scrapbook. I love that stuff because I want him to have every opportunity I can possibly provide for him. It wears me out and weekends become glimmers of the past. I need my housekeeper back.

There's a lot going on with my scrapping too. I was invited to be the October Guest Designer for Memory Works, which was really nice. Oh and did I mention I joined LOAD 10/10. Yes. Well I did and I love it. A layout a day; 13 so far.  It's the only thing that's letting me unwind each night. I need to get quicker but the creative process whether 30 minutes or 3 hours is what does it for me. Go figure! Here are some of my favorite LOAD submissions.

Here is a montage of the projects I did for the Memory Works Guest Designer Gig using their Halloween express kit. I made a mini album out of paper bags and put all my childhood Halloween pics in it. The album is called Vintage Halloween. I love it.

I also used their new line to showcase some of my favorite photos.


Here are some of my LOAD submissions, both Digital and Paper.

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